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Ilona Aleknaviciene


I consider myself as a sighthound person because I share my life with sighthounds from 1991 , when I made my dream come true and in my life entered black and tan afghan hound puppy Borgas / Gledzorg’s Borgas, son of at that time well known Arkonic Kontrapunkt. I was active in showing, also I was at the roots of establishing Lithuanian Sighthound Club . I was long time member of the Board of Lithuanian Sighthound Club. 

With Salukis I connect my life since 2005, when from the Netherlands I imported my first Saluki –Nubis , then after short time his half brother join our family. With my Salukis I was very active in showing in many European countries and we gained many titels in many countries. I had imported Salukis also from Portugal, Sweden, Norway.

Long time I  was active  working in the dog shows . I had arranged Seminar about  Salukis at Lithuanian Kennel Club at 2017,  I made Seminar for the judges about PLI at Lithuanian Kennel Club Educational Centrum at 2019. Since 2016 I judging group X breeds in the dog shows as National Judge, I’m also Judge for breeds of group V. 

 I’m  interesting in dogs behaviour and psychology, historical development of various breeds and cynology in general.

My goal is to spread the word for judge community about the Saluki breed as about one of the oldest breed which have no need “to be improved” but need to be preserved for future generations not changed as much as possible. 

I feel honoured  to judge at Finnish Sighthound Club  Anniversary  Speciality Show and I will be happy  to be a part of this wonderful event . I  looking forward to meet many beautiful sighthounds.

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