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Welcome to Finnish Sighthound Association's

official Specialty Show

in Helsinki, Finland!


Puppies 5-7 months and 7-9 months,

breeders groups and progeny groups are also judged in this Show.


Covid-19 Info


Our show will be held as planned,

unless the virus situation gets worse in Finland.

In case the show is cancelle, entries will be refunded, minus 5€ handling fee / payment.


Due to travel restrictions we had to make changes to judge's list.

If you like to cancel your entry due to change of judge,

entry fee will be refunded, minus 5€ payment handling fee / dog.


Entries before 19.6.2020

1st dog 34€
2nd etc. dog from same owner 27€

Puppies and Veterans 25€

Veterans over 10 years in Veteran class 10€


Entries between 20.6.-10.7.2020

1st dog 39€
2nd etc. dog from same owner 32€

Puppies and Veterans 30€

Veterans over 10years in Veteran class 10€


Entries between 11.7.-17.7.2020 Only online!

50€ /dog (all classes)


Registration for the show must be done either by post or via the Internet.

When entering the dog to the show, the exhibitor undertakes to comply existing rules of the Finnish Kennel Club and supplementary regulations and vaccination regulations.


NB! To get the discount (another dog of the same owner, etc.), make sure that the registration forms and a copy of the payment receipt are sent in the same envelope or done with the same online signup.

The discount is only applied to full-price registration fees (not puppies or veterans).



The entries can be done electronic in 

showlink's online service (credit card payment)

name of the show "Vinttikoiraliitto"


By post

Finnish Kennel Club's registration form and a copy of the payment of the registration fee:

Jenna Leino

Ilveskuja 4

21220 Raisio



Payment from abroad:
IBAN: FI66 5461 0720 0170 53

Account name: Suomen Faaraokoirat ja Ibizanpodencot ry

Reference number: 3007



Use the reference, do not mark anything in the message box.

You can pay for all registrations at once, in one single payment;

if necessary, include a separate handwritten message with the receipt for analysis.


Registration must always be done in writing - just paying the exhibition fee is not a registration!

Exhibitions are subject to SKL vaccination regulations and anti-doping rule.

The dog must be identified.



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